André Breton
Poête, en 1917, il rencontre Apollinaire et fonde en 1919 la revue « littérature » qui deviendra progressivement dadaïste.

La langue de Breton est celle d’un classique dont le style éclate lorsque « les mots font l’amour » et que le poète s’abandonne aux images nées d’associations d’une immédiateté et d’une violence neuves.
André Breton was a French poet. In 1917, he met Apollinaire and in 1919 founded the journal "Literature" which became progressively Dadaist. After breaking with the Dada movement in 1924 he launched his "Manifesto of Surrealism" in which he discussed the spirit and method of the literary movement - the most important writing in half a century.

The Breton language is a classical style which sounds like “words making love" and where the poet abandons himself to images born of associations of an iimmediacy and a new violence.
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en long, en large et en ....
Tinchebray (Orne), 16 février 1896 - Paris, 28 septembre1966
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